sweets processing 1-2/2021




Cabosse Naturals brings out the entire cocoa fruit

Consumers are increasingly asking for tasty, nutritious and at the same time environmentally friendly foods and beverages. Barry Callebaut is responding to this rethinking with its new Cabosse Naturals brand. Their special product range made from pure cocoa fruit utilizes all the ingredients of the raw material – from the pulp to juice and concentrate to the skin, which is processed into fine flour. According to the provider, this “Cacaofruit Experience” creates a next-generation range of food and beverages.

The cocoa fruit connoisseurs and experts at Barry Callebaut highlight the fresh, fruity taste and natural richness of the product. Its very nutrient-rich components also contain fiber and minerals such as potassium and magnesium and offer industrial manufacturers as well as chocolatiers, confectioners and pastry chefs new scope for creating products such as ice cream, snacks, muesli bars or confectionery.

