sweets processing 1-2/2019




Schubert: fair exhibition machine packs two different products

Whether chocolate pralines, chocolate bars or wafers – consumers purchase many of these confectionery products in flow-wrap bags. With the Lightline Flowpacker (image), Schubert is offering a preconfigured packaging machine – consisting of the Flowmodul flow-wrapping component and a picker line – which packages unpacked or trayed products into flow packs in an efficient and product-friendly way.

The Flowmodul is compatible with all commonly used hot and cold sealing films and delivers maximum flexibility in terms of product mix. Using robotic technology, even extremely fragile crackers or biscuits can be stacked in any conceivable variant and packaged into flow packs.

For packaging heat-sensitive products such as chocolate, for example, Schubert has expanded its Flowmodul flow-wrapping component with a new heat-sealing technology: this technology is characterised by very low heat development as well as a constant sealing time at variable chain speed. For the first time ever, the adjustment range of a heat-sealing film can be controlled between 5 and 60 m – without any loss of quality for the film or the product. Even hermetically sealed packages are possible.

At ProSweets trade fair, Schubert is showcasing a Lightline Flowpacker– equipped with the latest heat-sealing technology – which will process mixed packages with two different, heat-sensitive products. A biscuit with white chocolate and one with brown chocolate will be packaged together in a flow-wrap bag. The machine achieves an output of 250 products or 125 flow packs per minute. The Flowpacker features a 3D image processing system which ensures that only flawless products enter the infeed chain.

ProSweets, Halle 10.1, Stand F30/G31


