sweets processing 1-2/2019




Epi Ingredients offers premium dairy ingredients

Trade fair Hi Europe & Ni 2018 in Frankfurt/Germany was an opportunity for Epi Ingredients to remind visitors of its expertise in the field of fermented powders, by showcasing its range of Epilac premium fermented powders such as yogurt powder, quark powder and fermented milk powder. The company showed its special capability to dry blends of milk and live cultures (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus), keeping them alive throughout the process and into the finished powder, thus possibly contributing to balancing the gut flora and strengthening the immune system. Beyond these exclusive nutritional properties, all-natural Epilac powders are a true asset in developing indulgent food and beverages thanks to their strong yet pleasant dairy flavour. They were designed to enhance both taste and texture in a wide variety of applications, offering additional creaminess as well as a touch of yogurt’s natural acidity.


