sweets processing 3-4/2024




Dear readers,

By Dr. Jörg Häseler, Chefredakteur

It is already March 2024 again and the many inconveniences during the strikes over the past six months are still fresh in our minds. It is really a heavy cross to bear at times. I'm sure everyone can contribute a story or two. The hope now is that the collective bargaining partners in all these sectors will reach an agreement in the near future. Yet travelling by train, for example, is so sustainable. We should travel much more by train and think about future generations. Nobody can avoid the topic of sustainability at the moment anyway. However, the term is interpreted differently by many people: For example, sustainable can be associated with social, ecological, climate-neutral or responsible behaviour, or a mixture of these.

This was also evident at ProSweets Cologne at the end of January: Suppliers showed which sustainable packaging solutions have already been developed, while plant manufacturers demonstrated how less energy can be consumed. And at the ISM, the social aspect will take centre stage. It won't work without these steps. I would like to see the stakeholders join forces more and pull together to develop comprehensive packages. I would also like to see us get a legal definition soon – but it will be some time before the legislator has defined a sustainability strategy that is capable of achieving consensus.

This is the only way we can succeed in making this world a little better for future generations. Let's pursue this major goal together and find good solutions.

