sweets processing 9-10/2020




Personalized dispatch line for small lot sizes

From dispatch control to labelling: for companies that want to automate their dispatch line, three companies now offer a complete solution with LogiExert. The cooperation partners are Weber Marking Systems, Janner Waagen and Ximaj Digital Engineering.

Automation is an important step for companies, who want to waste as little time as possible on routine, repetitive tasks. From packaging and addressing to tracking and tracing: in logistics, everything must function smoothly so that the goods arrive safely at the right recipient and can be traced, if necessary. For dispatch optimization, clearly legible labelling is essential. This often means more than “just” printing address labels and sticking them on parcels.

With the rapidly growing volume of parcels, customer requirements can no longer be met with outdated methods such as manual application of labels, weighing and checking. Sooner or later, the time comes when you can’t avoid automating your dispatch line.

To make it easier for companies to start automating their dispatch line, Janner Waagen, as weighing technology specialist, Ximaj Digital Engineering, as integration expert, and the labelling expert Weber Marking Systems have joined forces to develop a ready-to-use basic solution for weighing, measuring, labelling and controlling. LogiExert, the complete solution for compact dispatch lines resulting from the cooperation, consists of a checkweigher from Janner Waagen, a labeller from Weber Marking and the matching system from Ximaj Digital Engineering. With this plug-and-run system, logistics tasks can be managed centrally, quickly and cost-effectively, and completely from modern, multimedia components.

The industrial IoT solution is suitable for both existing and new installations. Existing and/or new logistics components and systems are integrated, organized, controlled and managed via standard interfaces. Merchandise and conveyor technology can be integrated just as easily. Picking and plausibility checks for freight and carriers can also be supported by the system. With features such as reports and analyses, update and backup services, error management and system diagnostics, the line can be monitored and production optimized. It can be used flexibly and can be expanded as required. If the dispatch line grows, the system grows with it.

Immediately after weighing and determining the carton volume, the recorded information is sent to the label printing dispenser. It prints the individual data on labels and marks the corresponding shipping carton fully automatically. The entire Logi- Exert system also works either statically in start/stop operation or dynamically in continuous operation. This means that the cartons can be stopped for weighing and labelling, but do not have to.

In the basic version of LogiExert, up to 20 cartons per minute can be labelled at medium to high belt speeds. Conventional checkweighers operate either in continuous operation or stop. With LogiExert you can choose individually. The system is ideal for companies that have to label individual small batch sizes. The builtin label print dispenser prints small labels in stamp format up to labels in DIN A6 format and larger.


