sweets processing 5-6/2019




Confectionery and bakery industries in Russia grow with Agroprodmash

Agroprodmash 2019, Russia’s and Eastern Europe’s largest exhibition for equipment, technologies, raw materials and ingredients for the food processing industry, annually brings together over 870 exhibitors from 37 countries of Europe, Asia and Amer-ica, and more than 24,500 visitors from 77 countries. The 24th edition of the international event will take place from 7 to 11 October 2019 at Expocentre Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds in Moscow/Russia.

Agroprodmash is a reliable barome-ter of the food industry in Russia. The advantage of the exhibition is that it demonstrates equipment and technologies for all steps of production from the production of raw materials and ingredients to the production of finished goods, their packaging, quality control, cooling and storage as well as logistics solutions.

APM GrainTech, APM SweetTech and APM Bakery, which demonstrate equipment and technologies for grain processing, confectionery and bakery production, are among the key events and most comprehensive salons. Over the years, these sectors have shown positive dynamics, which is directly related to the growth and development of the bakery and confectionery industries in Russia.

More than 130 companies from China, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK will demonstrate their solutions. The APM Ingredients salon is growing: more than 50 companies offer ingredients for the bakery and confectionery production. In recent years, there has been a demand for high-quality food raw materials and safe food additives, and a search for unexpected flavour combinations.

Professional bakers and confectioners are also interested in packaging, quality control and safety of production, weighing, refrigeration equipment and automation.


