
  11/01/2024 | Technology

ADVERTORIAL: Highest throughput on the market: HDM unveils innovative HFR five-roll refiner at ProSweets Cologne

Hamburg Dresdner Maschinenfabriken (HDM), one of the world’s leading manufacturers of machinery and plants for the cocoa, chocolate, and malt industry, will be unveiling its all-new HFR five-roll refiner at ProSweets Cologne from 28 to 30 January, Hall 10.1, Booth E-009. The company’s latest innovation, the HFR has the highest throughput on the market, to name just one of its benefits. In combination with the additional drive at the machine infeed and the HDM gap adjustment system, it also is the most flexible Five-Roll Refiner on the market. Popular and proven on the market for over ten years, this technology retains the benefits of the previous model HFS 108S, while the innovations make it even more flexible and safe to work with. In a world where requirements are changing so fast, customers need flexibility to adapt their products. The new HFR is the answer for those customers. It offers a greater flexibility when processing masses with Inhomogeneous und difficult consistencies and increased throughput.