
  10/11/2020 | Technology

DTM Print: print directly on food with edible ink

DTM Print, international OEM and solution provider for specialty printing systems, is proud to present Eddie, the world’s first-and-only NSF and GMP-certified desktop printer for printing with edible ink full-colour photos, logos, designs and text onto the surface cookies and other food items, thus creating new business opportunities with personalized food printing. The printer is the latest product of US manufacturer Primera Technology.

When thinking of food printers, the ones come to mind that print on wafer paper or icing sheets which must be glued to the baked goods or confectionary. Unlike those printers, Eddie prints directly onto cookies, candy, white chocolate, biscuits, macarons, marshmallows, chocolate lentils, and much more. Suitable food items can be up to 89 mm wide.

Eddie makes the printing process fast and easy. The machine prints up to six print objects per minute, depending on the item size and actual print design. The included carousel feeder rotates the food items to the print position, the printer pulls in one item at a time, prints and sends them back to the carousel – all automatically and hands-free.

Printed sweets, cookies or other food items will be dry and ready for sale immediately after printing. Printed images are bright, vibrant, smudge-resistant and even colour-matched to ICC Colour Standards.